Bhai Vyakti ki Valli Movie Review

Bhai- Vyakti Ki Valli

 Cast-Sagar Deshmukh, Saksham Kulkarni, Vijay Kenkre, Irawati Harshe, Satish Alekar, Ashwini Giri, Sachin Khedekar, Mrunmayee Deshpande, Sunil Barve, Ajay Purkar, Hrishikesh Joshi, Umesh Jagtap, Vidhyadhar Joshi etc.

Director-Mahesh Vaman Manjrekar

Bhai- Vyakti Ki Valli is about a veteran and a versatile personality of Maharashtra, an evergreen person, none other than Purshottam Laxman Deshpande aka Pu.La.Deshpande. 

Bhai Vyakti ki Valli Movie Poster

The movie revolves around Pu. La‘s life and his journey from childhood to becoming a gem of Maharashtra. But there is a twist in the end that ‘Utarardha ajun bakki ahe’. This movie is just the first one of two movies, the second of which will release on 8th Feb 2019. The movie begins its plot in flashback. The direction reflects the efforts right from the casting to the recreation of that era. There is an army of characters in the movie who have portrayed their roles very well. Also, we can notice ease between the characters and nowhere does it feel overcrowded. Those who have experienced Pu. La on stage can have nostalgic feelings and those who just know Pu. La, have a nice opportunity to experience him. 
The movie has taken a considerable time to settle itself with the audience. Also, we can see a positive side that the movie is divided into 2 parts which has ensured that there is no rush to finish it. In the army of characters, The character of Mr Raosaheb leaves a mark in people’s mind. The music is also melodious and is blended well with the movie and goes with the flow.
Overall it’s a hilarious and Pu.La ride of joy for 2 hours. This makes the audience curious about the second part and his remaining life. But some people may feel that the movie is progressing slowly as it takes time to settle itself.
So I would give 3/5 stars to Bhai- Vakti ki Valli Part 1 as all the necessary ingredients to make a really nice movie is put down by the director to fullest of his efforts. As said earlier the movie may seem slow but it moves forward steadily.
So this weekend don’t miss a chance to watch Bhai!


  1. Movie is indeed wonderful and review covers all its aspects


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